Palliative Care at Dover Health
Dover Palliative Care services support individuals and their loved ones in navigating the complexities of serious illness. You don’t have to walk this road alone; we’re here with you at every step.
Manage Your Care with Confidence
Every person’s experience with chronic or serious illness is unique. Dover Palliative Care provides symptom relief, pain management, and stress reduction for patients at any stage of illness. Our palliative care services are offered in tandem with curative treatment services.
Receive Support in Alignment with Your Goals
We believe that all people deserve to live a life of dignity and comfort. Dover Palliative Care providers work with individuals to set goals that are centered on well-being and quality of life. This begins by understanding each patient’s current health status, including the state of their disease and its typical trajectory.
Work with Multidisciplinary Medical Professionals
At Dover Health, we’re committed to serving individuals across the entire continuum of care. Our doctors, nurse practitioners, and specialists collaborate with patients’ attending medical teams to provide holistic care. We offer one on one attention to ensure progress towards your goals, while keeping you as comfortable and safe in your current environment as long as possible. During these personalized visits, our team will have in-depth discussions with the patient and family about disease processes, symptoms and pain management, and multiple treat options to assist the patient in determining their goals of care.
Enjoy Flexible Support & Billing Options
Your comfort and well-being are top of mind. Our palliative care services are available in various settings, including patient homes, skilled nursing facilities, and independent or assisted living communities. Billing is processed through Medicare Part B and commercial insurance, with the added flexibility of copayments and coinsurance.
Curative & Aggressive Treatments from Multidisciplinary Specialists
Enhanced Pain Management & Hospital Referrals
A Whole-Person Approach Centered Around Quality of Life
Seamless Communication Between All Care Providers
Continuity of Nurse Practitioner Across the Continuum of Care
Low Nurse-to-Patient Ratios with Access to 24/7 Clinical Care
Your Comfort Comes First
Even with a diagnosis, we believe there is still hope and joy. Our medical staff is dedicated to improving quality of life through symptom management and pain relief.
Patient treatment can be difficult because of financial constraints, lack of transportation, or environmental issues. We provide care in the place our patients need it most: at home, in skilled nursing facilities, or in independent or assisted living communities.
Extended hospital stays are costly for patients and their loved ones. Our palliative care services decrease hospital admission rates and reduce insurance costs.
We understand that serious and chronic illness impacts not only the patient but also the people they love. Our treatment plans educate and empower the patient and their loved ones.
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